Thursday, July 2, 2015


I grew up a major tomboy, and now in my 20's I still prefer leggings instead of pants and flats instead of heels. But sometimes a girl's still a girl, and I'll be damned if being a tomboy prohibits me from loving flowers and girly lattes. These days I'm a lot less boyish than I used to be, I have mastered the cat-eye look and even occasionally use hair spray (this is quite a big deal since I've never in my life used any hair products).

Tomboy qualities also include ridding the apartment of any spiders so the squeeze doesn't have to, rocking my work hoodie until he says it's no longer acceptable to be this casual, being in love with my WRX and talking to it like she's a person, swearing like a dirty sailor until the squeeze also says it's no longer acceptable to be this casual. I think I clean up pretty nicely though when I have to be presentable to the public eye.

That being said, the squeeze knows me all too well, and if he brings me sunflowers and a skinny vanilla latte from Starbucks I am pretty much putty. How can you not love that combo, just look at this photo, doesn't it instantly cheer you up??

Perhaps I'm just easily pleased. Not a bad thing I guess. I'll take a dozen roses, a rally car, and a latte please!


  1. The sunflowers are a cheerful thing to have around.

  2. I would have never taken you for a're so...feminine!!
