Tuesday, July 7, 2015


This is Hugo, a friend's kitty. I was given the honor of babysitting (petsitting? Cat feeding?) little Hugo over the weekend while his owners traveled up to Acadia. I am fortunate enough to have a kitty who eats only when she's hungry, meaning I can leave her bowl full and unattended at all times. Most other kitties though, like Hugo, need to be fed accordingly or they will become fat or choke on their food in an effort to swallow it all at once. Silly cats. 

My first feeding visit I opened the door to no kitty greeting me, unusual for Hugo since he likes to try and escape. I walked up the two flights of stairs to get to their apartment and still no kitty *Uh oh*  I searched their place, yelling his name and still nothing. I stood silent for a bit and from the back of the apartment I heard the saddest little 'mew' you could possibly imagine.

Hugo got himself locked in the closet. Good job Hugo. I sent my friend a photo of him fleeing from the dark space, I think she scolded her boyfriend because it was he who wasn't paying attention and shut the door on the cat. I stuck my head in to check if he had made a bathroom out of their clothes, the coast was clear!

He hovered around me the entire time I was there, probably thought he would be a closet cat for ever, who knows what goes on in their heads. Needless to say, the second time we came back to feed him he was the nicest to me he'd ever been. I'd like to think of myself as a sort of cat whisperer, but I think at that point Hugo just associated me with food so he was looking forward to my visit.

Silly cats.