Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Sweet Dreams

Oh to be a cat! I was up bright and early the other day getting ready for work when I saw this mush ball passed out on the chaise lounge. I tried to tip toe my way over to snap a pic and ended up tripping on the ladder to our loft (we move it at night so Pig doesn't climb it and jump on our faces while we sleep), and catapulted myself across the room. 

Did she even flinch? No. I pulled myself together noisily and stood over her and took this photo. Again, not a flinch. She could practically pass for a slab of deli meat she was so motionless, with the mere exception that you could hear her snoring (more like cat wheezing but you get my point).

Oh to be a cat.

I wonder what they dream about. Do they dream? They must dream. I wonder if she is dreaming about her big adventure to Texas. Probably not. I can dream that my cat has self awareness, can't I?? If she could talk she'd probably say 'Ma, you're crazy.'


  1. She dreams of catching flying lunches and those little gray snacks that sometimes live in holes in the wall.

  2. She's dreaming about moving in with grammy and grampy.

    1. J and I refer to you as the grandparents as well hahaha
