Friday, March 13, 2015

Lot Cat

When I worked for Portland Volvo I frequently ran into this ham. I dubbed her (or him since I honestly never checked), lot cat. This cat was massive, but sweet as pie. She (or he) always ran up to me when I walked the parking lot, they were always purring and wanted nothing but to have their head scratched and their belly rubbed. One day one of the technicians caught glimpse of me petting lot cat and laughed, saying I was pretty courageous for touching something that probably had mange. I never found out who or if they belonged to someone, but I think it was safe to say the worst thing that lot cat brought was maybe a flea or two. Regardless, lot cat always looked so happy. Laying in the sun in-between the Volvos on the hot pavement, having grass to roam around in, and plenty of people to get attention from. I was always afraid I was going to run her (or him) over when I left work, I'd do an entire scoping out of the premises to make sure lot cat wasn't sleeping behind my tire. 

I wish we had a lot cat here at Subaru. Unfortunately no one in management likes cats, or pets at that matter, so I'm sure any lot cat appearance would be a brief one. 

I don't trust anyone who doesn't like cats.