Tuesday, June 9, 2015


This has got to be one of my favorite pictures. The squeeze took this within a couple days of us moving into our apartment, Pig had just discovered the loft and out of the sheer excitement her pupils took over her eyeballs. We opted to keep our bed on the floor and the loft as a means of storage since we really had none, but ultimately it kind of turned into Pig's own room. When the ladder goes up, so does she. Since we keep all of our bedding and blankets up there it's quite the sweet spot for a little cat.

I told the squeeze it made me a little misty-eyed having to move her again, especially since she's taken such a liking to the ladder/loft setup, he (always) optimistically replied that when we get a house some day we'll just have to put ladders all over the place for her to climb.

I am definitely OK with this, In fact, the idea of having a loft has really grown on me. Some day!


  1. Oh, just look at those eyes! Too cute!

  2. "Ah, I did the math. We can't afford the Corgi! You're welcome." ---Pig

    1. It will be an interesting situation when the time comes!
