Monday, February 23, 2015


This snapshot is from a little over a year ago, we were on our way to New Jersey to attend the squeeze's cousin's wedding. This little guy was a Valentine's Day present, I got it right as we left for NJ so the tiny heart-shaped cactus came with us. Unfortunately about a couple months ago it got waterlogged and before I knew it its tiny roots had rotted away. Sorry squeeze. RIP tiny heart-shaped cactus.

Apparently you can kill a desert plant quite easily...

This year's Valentine's Day was spent walking through a blizzard to reach Pai Men to indulge in delicious noodles and cocktails (thanks again, Ellen and Birdman!) 

And no, I didn't get another heart-shaped cactus to replace the last one. Probably best if this strain of cacti wants any chance of survival.

February is short and sweet. This month has been exceptionally short, sweet, and cold. 

I am ready for March!