Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Do You Ever Feel...

Like a plastic bag? Thanks Katy Perry, for your heartfelt and insightful lyrics lolz. But seriously, look at this cat. Pig has always had a bizarre fascination with plastic bags, I'm afraid she's going to suffocate one of these days when I catch her sleeping in the occasional misplaced Hannaford version. Silly Pig.

I don't think plastic bags actually have feelings, but I'm sure I understand the point Miss Perry is trying to get across. With all this blizzard weather we've been having lately up north, it's hard to keep a positive mindset. I often forget that my mood is affected by the weather, and when I catch myself in a slump I usually look outside to see 12 foot high pyramids of snow and am reminded of why I feel bummy.

Too much snow removal at work and not enough customers. It's a dangerously effective combination on one's mood.

Here's hoping to sunny mornings and warm afternoons soon!

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