Thursday, February 12, 2015

You are what you eat

The squeeze and I started Insanity Max: 30 a month and two weeks ago and it has been one crazy ride. But you can't work out a bad diet (see what I did there) so I've been trying my damndest to change my eating habits for good. That has also been one crazy ride. This is a picture of one of our breakfasts from a couple days ago; egg "muffins" with mushrooms, spinach, Parmesan cheese, turkey bacon, sweet tomatoes and grapefruit. Not only healthy, but quite yummy!

At work it's not as easy. They treat us to donuts and bagels after every snow removal, which has been happening at an exponential rate lately with all the storms. It's so hard to steer my gaze away from those sweet glazed donuts sitting at the desk in front of me. Sometimes I "forget" to pack a lunch for work AKA I got lazy. I bring plenty of snacks to munch on like Greek yogurt, carrots, and an apple, but that's never enough to keep me full for the whole nine hour day. Not eating is almost as bad as eating poorly! It definitely shows when it's time to work out and I have absolutely no energy to make it through the 30 minute video.

Today is one of those days, shame on me for not bringing lunch. Perhaps a stop to Lois' Naturals for a healthy hearty homemade soup is in order.


  1. I hope Mr. Excitement is eating this kind of food, too!!

  2. Ya, I would go for any chocolate coconut donut on the plate. However, there was a time...
    Love that you've started a blog.
    Like exercise... Don't quit!

  3. Hey, Yelena, I think I know these people who've commented above! Enjoyed reading your blog. I like your topics. Loved the loft picture. I sympathize with the weather you guys are having these days. That's why I moved to Florida several years ago. Although... it must be some kind of sickness
    'cause I recently bought land in Wiscassett.
    I look forward to reading your blog.

    Lakeland Checks In at a balmy 72

  4. I hope your breakfast tasted as good as it looks!

  5. That's a huge breakfast - peanut butter on toast, orange juice, and tea for me, thanks! Keep on writing the blog and people will find you. Good luck.

  6. Your photo looks straight out of a foodie magazine. I Would love to have that for breakfast or lunch any day of the week!

  7. Wow, this is a big breakfast! The bacon looks especially good.

  8. I saw a recipe just the other day for egg muffins.. so going to try them any day now :) That's a good looking brekkie Yelena, should keep a person going until the morning tea donuts arrive.. kidding :)

  9. I saw a recipe just the other day for egg muffins.. so going to try them any day now :) That's a good looking brekkie Yelena, should keep a person going until the morning tea donuts arrive.. kidding :)

  10. Thank you for the feedback and kind words everyone!
