Saturday, July 11, 2015


One of my favorite things about Portland are the old buildings that make up the city, some of them have been here for so long they've turned into something straight out of Raiders of the Lost Ark. Seeing vine encased facades like this is not uncommon, even our apartment is half green! The morning of the squeeze's birthday we walked up State Street, a long stretch of uphill road lined with large brick buildings similar to this. 

The squeeze and I both stopped and examined the massive green vine monster. I asked if he wondered whether or not the structure of the building had been compromised over time due to the little vines making their way over and through it. Neither of us knew. Some of these buildings have been here for 100+ years and are still standing strong, despite mother nature's green touch.

Regardless, I love the way it looks. It would be interesting to live behind the walls of one of these heavily decorated buildings, just look at that window, it's practically enclosed! In the winter it's a lot less lush looking and a lot more creepy with just the bare vine stems clinging to the walls. I wonder if we'll see this down south?

1 comment:

  1. We see that here as well. I do wonder about what the long term damage they do to buildings.
