Friday, June 5, 2015

Decisions, Decisions...

We all make good and bad decisions, some more than others. I had a very nice lady come in the other day looking to upgrade to a slightly pre-owned Subaru (the good decision), she needed to replace her once brand new PT Cruiser that was taking up space in her driveway (the bad decision).

She bought this beauty off the showroom floor in 2002, it was the 'Manager's Special' and featured bright flames with special alloy wheels and an 8-ball shifter knob. Like I said, it was a beauty. Despite looks it lasted her 13 whole years before finally putting the brakes (or lack thereof) on its life. It couldn't be driven so she had to get the poor thing towed to our dealership. She genuinely loved her PT Cruiser, and nearly cried when she had to part ways with it.

Perhaps it was once majestic when it left the showroom floor... I don't know if I'd ever categorize a PT Cruiser as majestic, but maybe this was in fact the stallion of all stallions in the PT Cruiser world.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 

I wonder if she'll put flames on her new Forester or if she's left her wild days behind her.

RIP stallion.


  1. Stallion? In my eyes, the cruiser is nothing but a 'my little pony' of the road. hahahahaha

  2. I my eyes, the cruiser doesn't exist. Who on earth designed that thing?
