Thursday, March 5, 2015


That was the original name I gave this little one. Her previous owners (may they fall into a big hole and never escape) thought it would be a brilliant idea to dye her pink. So she came home with me like this. Bright magenta. She eventually shed the color away, but for the longest time I had pink cat hair on everything. No one believes unless I show them this photo. She reminded me of a little piggy so that's where the name came from. Now that she's older and lacking any pink, it's just Pig.

I don't know how old she was when I brought her home many years ago. I make up birthday dates for her when I remember, but if I had to guess I'd say she's somewhere between 6-7 years old. She still acts like a crazy kitten, chasing her own tail and sticking her tongue out. She will always be Kitten-Pig though.


  1. Some people.... just make you want to facepalm.

    She is such a cutie.

  2. She's adorable no matter what color!
