You know what reminds me most of summer? Green. Everything green. I know spring is supposed to be synonymous with green with its budding flowers, baby birds, etc, etc. But spring is brown, and muddy, and even kinda smelly since everything that died over the winter will now resurface. So green for me means summer, and hot days with cool nights, and BBQs, and smoothies.
Have you ever been to Maine Squeeze? If not, you're definitely missing out. I go there when I'm looking for a pick-me-up and am craving something fresh. Their Kale Storm and Green Light concoctions have all sorts of leafy greens in them but they're mixed with things like mangoes and dates so you don't feel like your slurping down pureed spinach (no offense Popeye).
It's been getting warmer lately, I even opted to go without a sweater today! *gasp* It's so refreshing to finally drink something that isn't pumpkin or cinnamon flavored. In fact, writing about this makes me want to run from my desk at work and grab a smoothie right now. I'm ready for summer!